Vian, Roland players named to 2023 All-District 3A-8 Softball Team
Nine Vian Lady Wolverines and six Roland Lady Rangers were named to the 2023 All-District 3A-8 Softball Team.
For Vian, Kala Gibbins was named the district’s Pitcher of the Year, while catcher Maisie Wells, outfielder Hanna Mattingly and utility player LaKaila Drew were named to the team. Teammates Akeelah Truett, Rayleigh Terrell, Halli Russell, Skyelar Locust and Rebel Simon were honorable mention.
For Roland, shortstop Addyson Clark, pitcher Emily Daws and center fielder Kynlei Earnhart made the all-district team, with teammates Jaydance Bean and twins Sara Qualls and Scarlett Qualls were honorable mention.
Editor’s Note — Once the information has been obtained, there will be stories about the All-District 4A-6 and the All-District 2A-11 teams.