Hamilton seeks re-election for State Senate District 7
Warren D. Hamilton (Incumbent), 53, McCurtain, Republican, has sent the following release, announcing he will seek re-election for State Senate District 7: “I am running for re-election because I love America. Unless we change our ways, it looks like she will fall. America exists because people cared. About a lot of things. They wanted to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience. They wanted their lives, liberty, and property to be secure from a greedy government. And they recognized that they were responsible to take action, and to acknowledge God in all things. My goals haven’t changed: Turn back to God and for all of us to participate in our government. “I’m always a student, sometimes a teacher. Over the last three years I’ve learned more and more about government and history. These lessons make me a more skilled legislator. Then I can better serve the great Americans of District 7.