MARK YOUR Calendar
Announcements of upcoming events for non-profit organizations and events in Sequoyah County may be delivered to Your TIMES in several different ways. They may be mailed to or hand delivered to Your TIMES at 111 N. Oak St. in Sallisaw. Events may be telephoned in by calling (918) 775-4433, or they may be e-mailed to news@seqcotimes. com or from a special form on Your TIMES Web site at
The deadline for announcements for Wednesday‚s edition is 11 a.m. on Tuesday. The deadline for announcements in Friday‚s edition is 11 a.m. Thursday.
Your TIMES welcomes announcements and is pleased to publish them so that Sequoyah County residents can take advantage of the many activities occurring in the county.
WED. OCT. 26
Sallisaw Schools JOM meeting, 5:30 p.m., administration building, 701 S. JT. Stites Blvd. Meeting is to elect new IEC officers. For more info contact steve Barrett at or Bara Poor at bpoor@sallisawps. org.
WED., OCT. 26, NOV. 2, 9, 26, 23 & 30
The Sequoyah County Historical Society Museum will be open on Wednesdays, from 9:30 a.m. to noon
Bible study, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Simple Simons Pizza, 2401 E. Cherokee, Sallisaw. Everyone is invited. Come early and order food or drinks and hang out. Bring a friend.
Belfonte/Bell Johnson O‚Malley Education committee meeting, 6 p.m., Cherokee Room, Belfonte campus. Public invited to attend.
Gandy Dancers Railroad Club, 5:30 p.m. meeting room Stanley Tubbs Memorial Library, Sallisaw. The club meets on the fourth Thursday of each month.
THUR., OCT. 27, NOV. 3, 10, 27 & 24
Line dancing exercise class, 5 to 6:30 p.m., Muldrow Cherokee Community Organization Building, 603 N. Main St., Muldrow.
Free crochet classes 2 to 4 p.m. at 3700 W. Cherokee Ave., Blue Ribbon Chapel, Sallisaw, with the Bizzy Beez. Classes held every Thursday. The Bizzy Beez volunteers invite the community to attend and learn how to crochet and enjoy the fellowship. Donation of yarn appreciated. For more information call Margaret Wood at 918-571-3345.
Musicians Night, Open Jam Night, 7 p.m. Muldrow VFW Post 8384, Wilson Rock Road. Bring your own instruments.
FRI. OCT. 28, NOV. 4, 11, 18 & 25
Soup N‚ Souls, meeting, 6 p.m., The Shed, on Cherokee, Sallisaw. For more info call 918-774-3120.
AA meeting, 7 p.m., Fridays, Vian Methodist Church, corner of Lee and Blackstone. For more info call 539-8320952.
MON. OCT. 31
Gore Public Schools public meeting, to revise the ARP III Safe Return and Expenditure Plans, noon, conference room, 1200 N Hwy 10, Gore.
Free Trunk or Treat, First Christian Church, 706 N Wheeler, Sallisaw. For more info call 918-775-4839.
MON., OCT. 31, NOV.7, 14, 21 & 28
Sallisaw TOPS meeting, 10 a.m. to noon, First Christian Church, 706 N. Wheeler. For more information call Billie at 918-413-1383.
Line dancing exercise class, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Muldrow Cherokee Community Organization Building, 603 N. Main St. Muldrow.
Grief Support Group, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Victory Baptist Church, 103827 St. Hwy. 64-B, 9 miles north of Muldrow. Faith based, all faiths welcome. Helping each other get through the loss of a loved one. Casual, come as you are. See Facebook-Lean On Me, a Grief Support.
Library mystery “Death at the Dive Bar” 4 p.m., Stanley Tubbs Memorial Library, Sallisaw. Examine all the evidence, eliminate suspects and catch the killer. Everyone invited to attend.
TUES., NOV. 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
AA meeting, 7 p.m., Tuesdays, Vian Methodist Church, corner of Lee and Blackstone. For more info call 539-8320952.
Bible Study, 11 a.m., Trinity United Methodist Church Library. All are welcome. Church located at 1601 E. Shawntel Smith Blvd., Muldrow.
FRI. NOV. 11
Veterans Day Drive-Thru Celebration parade, 1:30 p.m. Muldrow. The community is invited to show their appreciation by waving as the veterans drive by. Veterans are invited to join the parade. Lineup begins at 1:15 by Muldrow Fire Station.