April 23-29 proclaimed Crime Victims Rights Week
Sequoyah County Commissioners signed a proclamation Monday to declare the week of April 23-29 as Crime Victims Rights Week, as requested by the Coordinated Community Response Team. Signing the actual proclamation is Beau Burlison, chairman of the Board of Commissioners, joined by District 1 Commissioner Ray Watts, District 3 Commissioner Jim Rogers, Sequoyah County Commissioner Secretary Tiffany Jenkins, Sequoyah County Clerk Julie Haywood, Sequoyah County Assistant DA Blake Johnson, DA's office investigator John Owens, Sequoyah County Emergency Management Deputy Director Jonathan Teague, Sequoyah County Sheriff’s investigator for Special Crimes Unit Cindy Smith, Sequoyah County Sheriff Larry Lane, Sequoyah County Tax Assessor Brandy Dobbs, People Inc. Youth and Family Services Counselor Lindsie Dyer, Victims' Advocate for Sequoyah County Sarah Ridenhour and Sequoyah County Undersheriff Charles House.